
Some of the base-level props in the component manifest detail the sizing of the component:

  • defaultWidth and defaultHeight set the default sizing when the app creator drags the component into their app.
  • resizeX and resizeY set the ability for the app creator to resize the component in the x and y directions, respectively. resizeX defaults to true, and resizeY defaults to false.

Dynamic Resizing Based on Screen Width


The following is only required if your component should dynamically change width based on screen size. For example, the slider component does this.

When the app creator resizes your component to within 50 pixels of either border, the component should dynamically resize to the width of the screen. Making this work in your code isn't hard, but it does require a few extra steps:

  • Add a width to the component's state, and set it to null by default.

  • Add a handleLayout callback for a React Native View like so:

    handleLayout = ({ nativeEvent }) => {
    const { width } = (nativeEvent && nativeEvent.layout) || {};
    const { width: prevWidth } = this.state;
    if (width !== prevWidth) {
    this.setState({ width });
  • Make the handleLayout a callback to the main View's onLayout event:

  • Set the width of the React component to this.state.width

  • Make sure to conditionally render the component in the View so that if this.state.width === null that the component does not render.

The create-adalo-component tool includes all of this.

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