Install Scripts


This section is totally optional, and is only necessary if you need to edit the mobile builds directly.

In some cases, you may want to edit the mobile build whenever your component is installed. For example, the audio player component needs to add a setting under an iOS build's info.plist to enable background audio.

The way you can edit builds in Adalo is by using install scripts. In the adalo.json or in the package.json under the adalo property, you can add install scripts for iOS and Android like so:

"adalo": {
"displayName": "Example Library",
"components": [
"name": "ExampleComponent",
"manifest": "./components/ExampleComponent/manifest.json"
"logo": "./logo.png",
"iosInstallScript": "./relativePath/to/script/here.ts",
"androidInstallScript": "./relativePath/to/script/here.ts",

These scripts can be written in either javascript or typescript, and are run with the Deno typescript runtime:

We run these scripts with the following permissions:

  • Read and write access to the mobile build project path
  • Access to run plutil and /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy
  • Access to reading environment variables with the project parameters
deno run \
--allow-read=/path/to/your/app/project \
--allow-write=/path/to/your/app/project \
--allow-run=plutil,/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy \

You can access the environment variables from the install scripts with Deno.env.getEnv :

const projectPath = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_PROJECT_PATH') // The path of the mobile build project
const projectName = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_PROJECT_NAME') // The name of the project, it can be used in iOS to access certain directories
const bundleId = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_BUNDLE_ID') // The bundle id is passed too, used in android instead of the project name
const platform = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_PLATFORM') // "ios" or "android"

If you need to use plutil or /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy to edit your iOS app's Info.plist, you can do so from your scripts with Deno.Command:

import { join } from ""
const projectPath = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_PROJECT_PATH')
const projectName = Deno.env.get('ADALO_APP_PROJECT_NAME')
const infoPlistPath = join(projectPath, `ios/${projectName}/Info.plist`)
const proc = await new Deno.Command("plutil", [

That should be everything you need to modify the build directly.


We're using Deno v1.44.1

Check Deno's docs to understand the permissions your script has when running on our build servers: Permissions

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