Install Scripts


This section is totally optional, and is only necessary if you need to edit the mobile builds directly.

In some cases, you may want to edit the mobile build whenever your component is installed. For example, the audio player component needs to add a setting under an iOS build's info.plist to enable background audio.

The way you can edit builds in Adalo is by using install scripts. In the package.json under the adalo property, you can add install scripts for iOS and Android like so:

"adalo": {
"displayName": "Example Library",
"components": [
"name": "ExampleComponent",
"manifest": "./components/ExampleComponent/manifest.json"
"logo": "./logo.png",
"iosInstallScript": "./relativePath/to/script/here",
"androidInstallScript": "./relativePath/to/script/here",

These scripts can be written in either bash or node, and have direct access to the mobile build.

You can use these variables to get different paths:

project_path=$(pwd) # Path to the mobile build
dir=$(dirname "${0}") # Directory of the install script. You can use this to call
# other scripts in the same directory

You can also get a few variables through environment variables:

name=$PROJECT_NAME # Name of the project (Can be used on iOS to get to
# certain directories)
bundleId=$BUNDLE_ID # The bundle id is passed as an environment variable too.
# Used on Android instead of project name.

That should be everything you need to modify the build directly.


Make sure to make your script executable, for example: chmod +x ./scripts/ The permissions you place on your script will be what the build process uses.

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